I use Emacs for programming, note-taking in org-mode, and scientific writing in LaTeX. Org-mode offers a simple function (org-emphasize &optional CHAR), which inserts an emphasis at a point or region and prompts for CHAR when called interactively. When I write notes or documentation in org-mode, the usual application of org-emphasize is to apply markup such as bold, italic, code, or strikethrough to one or multiple words. Since I’m a previous vim user, I’ve converted to Emacs via the popular Doom Emacs configuration framework, which emphasizes the vim concepts wherever it can. Therefore, my application of org-emphasize to regions usually involves first selecting a region with vim motions. In the case of a single word, this breaks down to ysiw<CHAR>. Citing tpope’s README of surround.vim: It’s easiest to explain with examples. Press ysiw* (you surround inner word) at cursor position [ ]:

Hello [W]orld!

leads to

Hello *[W]orld*!

Since I’m heavily relying on localleader (keybinding ,) for Emacs major-mode functionality, I’m inclined to map essential functions to my localleader group. While I could emulate emacs executing normal mode commands such as ysiw* for bold, ysiw/ for italic, ysiw= for code and ysiw~ for strikethrough, I think it is more elegant to introduce a DWIM wrapper to org-emphasize:

(defun sbraun/org-emphasize-dwim (char)
  "DWIM (Do What I Mean) wrapper for org-emphasize.
   If there's an active region, apply emphasis to it.
   Otherwise, apply emphasis to the word at point.
   CHAR is the emphasis character to use."
  ;; Check if there is an active region (e.g., text is selected).
  (if (use-region-p)
      ;; If a region is active, apply emphasis to the selected region.
      (org-emphasize char)
    ;; Otherwise, apply emphasis to the word at point.
      ;; Find the boundaries of the word at point.
      (let ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'word)))
        (when bounds
          (goto-char (car bounds))
          (set-mark (cdr bounds))
          ;; Apply emphasis to the selected word.
          (org-emphasize char)

With this defined, I can add keybindings[1], such as

(map! :localleader
      :map org-mode-map
      (:prefix ("t" "text markup")
               :desc "italic" "i" #'(lambda () (interactive) (sbraun/org-emphasize-dwim ?/))
               :desc "bold"   "b" #'(lambda () (interactive) (sbraun/org-emphasize-dwim ?*))
               :desc "code"   "c" #'(lambda () (interactive) (sbraun/org-emphasize-dwim ?=))
               :desc "strike" "s" #'(lambda () (interactive) (sbraun/org-emphasize-dwim ?+))))

Back to the original example, pressing ,ti on:

Hello [W]orld!

leads to

Hello /[W]orld/!

which saves me … drum rolls … two keystrokes compared to ysiw* – yay, what a way to procrastinate.

[1] The map! syntax is specific to Doom Emacs, see also: binding-keys.