
Audamo is an auto dark mode tool that sets light and dark mode themes based on time or location.

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Python Version License AUR


Audamo is a project designed to smoothly provide what fully featured desktop environments such as Gnome and KDE provide: An automated transition of themes between light and dark mode depending on time or location. This is particularly helpful for non-desktop environments such as i3wm, sway, hyprland, awesomewm, bspwm, dwm, and many more. Audamo can be configured to switch themes based on sunrise/sunset times at a given or inferred location or simply by a specified schedule. Additionally, Audamo allows for the execution of custom scripts during theme changes, enabling users to hook additional scripts into the theme toggle process.

Until now, Audamo can set the following theme elements (config.toml values in brackets; see also Configuration):

A user-specified script (custom-script-path) can be run with every theme change, allowing for additional customization; see also Custom Script.



Install Script

Install conveniently with the install script.

bash <(curl -s -L


Audamo requires the following Python packages to be installed (see requirements.txt for more specific versions):

Arch Linux (AUR)

Audamo is available in the AUR as audamo:

paru -S audamo

You can now copy the default system-wide configuration into your user config:

cp /usr/share/audamo/config.toml $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/audamo/config.toml


Audamo is intended to be run as a background process that checks for location or time and, based on this, applies dark or light settings defined in config.toml.


We provide systemd user units to run audamo --daemon as a serviced service as well:

systemctl --user enable --now audamo.service

Daemon Mode

If systemd is not available or not desired, audamo can also be run in daemon mode:

audamo --daemon


Instead of using Audamo as a service/daemon, you can run it manually with a single invocation. Based on the config.toml settings, this will update the theme to light/dark mode:

$ audamo --help
usage: audamo [-h] [-l] [-d] [--debug] [--list-themes] [--daemon] [-v] [-c CONFIG] [--print-config]

Automatically set the system theme based on time or local sunrise and sunset.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --light           Force theme to light mode. (default: False)
  -d, --dark            Force theme to dark mode. (default: False)
  --debug               Enable debug logging to console. (default: False)
  --list-themes         List available themes, cursors, and icons. (default: False)
  --daemon              Run as a daemon to continuously monitor the time. (default: False)
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Specify the configuration file to use (default: None)
  --print-config        Print the configuration file and exit. (default: False)


Audamo can be configured by editing the config.toml file. The user configuration should be placed at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/audamo/config.toml.

# Specify location by latitude and longitude
latitude = ""
longitude = ""

# Time in the format "%H:%M"
sunrise = "08:00"
sunset = "20:00"

# Theme mode:
#  - "location": sets the theme based on sunrise/sunset at given location
#  - "time": sets the theme
mode = "location"

# Custom script that also gets executed with a single argument which is either "light" or "dark"
# This script may contain user specified `sed` instructions to e.g. replace the vim theme like "sed -i s/colorscheme dark/colorscheme light/g ~/.vimrc" or similar
# Make sure that the script has a proper shebang, e.g. "#!/bin/sh" for shell scripts
custom-script-path = ""

# Light theme elements
# Set values to "" if they should not be changed
theme = "Adwaita"
icon = "Adwaita"
cursor = "Adwaita"

# Dark theme elements
# Set values to "" if they should not be changed
theme = "Adwaita-dark"
icon = "Adwaita"
cursor = "Adwaita"

Custom Script

A custom script can get executed every time audamo is run. The script path can be configured in config.toml with the custom-script-path variable. The script is run with a single argument which is either “light” or “dark”. This script may contain user-specified sed instructions to replace the vim theme like sed e.g. -i s/colorscheme dark/colorscheme light/g ~/.vimrc or similar. Make sure that the script has a proper shebang, e.g. #!/bin/sh for shell scripts.

An example script can be found in

#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This script takes a single argument, either "light" or "dark".

case $THEME in
        # Sway background
        swaymsg "output * bg ~/lakesidedeer-light.png fill"

        # Alacritty
        sed -i 's/nord/github_light/g' ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml

        # Vim
        sed -i 's/background=dark/background=light/g' ~/.vimrc
        # Sway background
        swaymsg "output * bg ~/lakesidedeer-dark.png fill"

        # Alacritty
        sed -i 's/github_light/nord/g' ~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.toml

        # Vim
        sed -i 's/background=light/background=dark/g' ~/.vimrc
        echo "Invalid argument. Please use 'light' or 'dark'."
        exit 1


If Audamo was installed via the install script, it can likewise be uninstalled with the uninstall script:

bash <(curl -s -L


Version 1.1.4

Version 1.1.3

Version 1.1.2

Version 1.1.1

Version 1.1.0